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Luni, 15 Martie 2021 15:55


4. Referinţe la contribuţii în

publicaţii monografice online



  • ȘAVGA, L., ȘAVGA, G., SURUGIU, T. Recent Trends and Strategic Focus of the Consumer Co-operatives in The Republic of Moldova. În:  Genossenschaften im Fokus einer neuen Wirtschaftspolitik[online]: Intern. Conf. on Cooperative Studies, Wien, 2012. Teilband IV: Länderstudien. Hg.: J. Brazda, M. Dellinger, D. Rößl. Wien: LIT VERLAG, 2012, pp. 1367-1379. Disponibil:


  • NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNSIL [U.S.], Committee on the Training Needs of Health Professinals to Respond to Family Violence. Current Educational Activities in the Health Professions. În: Confronting Chronic Neglect: The education and training of Health Professionals on Family Violence [online]. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002, pp. 35-44 [citat 23 June 2006]. Disponibil: id=10127&page=35


Ultima actualizare în Luni, 15 Martie 2021 17:11

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